Beamtimer Coffee Academy

Hefei, China


November 3-6, 2023


COE Members: 9,600 RMB

Non-Member: 12,000 RMB

Early Bird Discount! 520RMB off the original price
Register by October 3rd to receive 520RMB discount!

Beamtimer Coffee Academy
Address: #101-103, 1st Floor, Building 8, Hefeng Pavilion, Hupo Wuhuan Cheng, Hefei, Anhui, China


Email: [email protected] or to scan the QR Code below:
Beamtimer Coffee Academy scan code for registration

Photo of the Beamtimer Coffee Academy


Over the four-day course, you will participate in:

  • In-depth lectures and discussions on CoE, specialty coffee, and what makes CoE coffee unique.
  • Various sensory exercises are designed to help you grow in perceiving and understanding aroma and taste. These exercises will be the start of learning to calibrate with the group.
  • Tastings are designed to demonstrate the importance of the correct cupping procedure and the effects of different variables on cup profiles.
  • Understanding common defects in coffee.
  • Learning about the CoE method for scoring coffee.
  • Calibrating with a diverse group of cuppers over multiple cupping sessions.
  • Introduction and discussion around Coe’s unique way of evaluating cuppers’ skills and confidence.
  • A test designed after the program CoE uses to select National Jury members.

 What you will receive:

  • Priority consideration for 2024 COE observer seats.
  • A detailed report explaining the data gathered from you cupping test.
  • Certificate of completion
  • Limited edition COE cupping spoon
  • Welcome gifts from our sponsors!

Classes will begin at 9:30 and finish around 5:30 pm with an hour break for lunch, which will be provided. Be prepared to experience the Cup of Excellence (CoE). Students will cup cup many different coffees, processes, and cultivars, practice the logistics and cupping protocol of a CoE cupping, and take an exam just like National Jury sensory professionals. This will show you how you are calibrated with the rest of the jury and your sensory confidence with representative scores samples.

In the first two days, we focus on CoE cupping, the protocol of identifying qualities, identifying common flavor attributes, scoring, and a common language. We then will advance to expose all participants to a technical approach to our quality variables, different varietals, and some common defects. Sessions include lab, lecture, and active discussions. We will also provide coffees from other countries for you to taste and learn about; processed naturals and honey/pulped naturals & varieties, etc. The third day will be filled with multiple cupping and calibration sessions. The fourth day of the class will be the “test” with three cuppings back-to-back.

We’ll be actively standing during cupping and seated for discussions, so please wear comfortable clothing and shoes. No use of perfume or cologne allowed. Please bring a notebook and, if you like, samples of your roasted beans. You’ll have the opportunity to see other coffees from other attendees.

You will receive a CoE cupping spoon, and other fun things at the beginning of the class. Upon completing the course, you will receive a certificate of completion signed by your instructor.  Within three weeks, you will receive an email containing your testing results. The information you receive will be in the same format as those who undergo national jury testing.

This experience is intended to share the Cup of Excellence program with you, improve your cupping and sensory evaluation skills, and share with others in a jury setting. This is the best way to learn and calibrate your sensory skills. Thank you for joining us.

Host: Beam Timer
The Beamtimer Coffee Academy is a certified Q Professional Venue where the “Few Coffee Class” runs every month. In addition to teaching about pour-overs and espressos, we also host SCA and CQI courses throughout the year and hold cupping events for rare coffees including CoE winning coffees. The lab is also where we launch new products, share thoughts on industry trends, experience at origins, etc.

少数派咖啡小组成立于2015年,是中国精品咖啡最早的探索者之一。这是一群由咖啡师、烘焙师、 设计师创立的冠军团队,以专业、有趣致的态度创造动人而又美味交织的产品,致力于美的表达。

目前拥有创造“美味交织”的咖啡厂牌治光师和少数派咖啡馆,每一年,为中国超过1000家独立精品 咖啡馆提供优异的咖啡产品服务,同时向全国超过500000+位咖啡饮用者、爱好者分享理念。我们 提供全方位咖啡馆运营服务指南、设备采买服务、咖啡制作感官校正、客制化咖啡教育培训服务, 针对企业团队量身定制受训内容。

治光师咖啡学院是CQI认证教室,每月开设少数派咖啡课堂,教授手冲和意式咖啡课程,并且⻓年 承办SCA和CQI课程,不定期举办CoE等竞拍分享会及新品首发分享,表达我们对行业动态和产地 ⻅闻的想法。



INSTRUCTOR: Alex Pond, CoE Sr. Education Manager
Alex has worked in specialty coffee for over a decade. In 2005, Alex started as a barista in Eugene, Oregon. In 2009 he competed in and won the Northwest Regional Barista Competition in the United States. Alex has worked barista shifts in Iceland and Sweden and has volunteered for numerous national and international coffee events. In 2012 Alex joined the team at Portland’s Heart Coffee Roasters. Over nearly six years at Heart, starting as a barista, Alex advanced to directing training and managing quality control and green buying.

Alex is currently the Sr. Education and Project Manager for the Cup of Excellence. In this role, Alex instructs and drives Coe courses and education initiatives globally.  Along with his efforts to promote COE education, Alex also works as a head judge for CoE competitions and ACE Private Collection Auctions. Alex has instructed courses in over 15 countries.

Alex enjoys traveling and experiencing Oregon’s incredible natural beauty and Cats. He is also a pretty good cook.


This SET course requires 12 students to register for the class to run. Once you have registered for the course, we will send you updates on the status of the class and how registration is proceeding.

SET Courses are eligible for a 100% refund for 31 days before class starts. Between 30 and 16 days before the start of class, the courses are eligible for a 50% refund. From 15 days before the beginning of the system, it is nonrefundable unless CoE cancels the course. Refunds requested over 90 days after the initial date of purchase will only be issued in the form of credit for future purchases on the CoE and ACE website.

If students are late or do not show up for class, CoE cannot ensure their cupping data will be included in group discussions, calibrations, or post-class reports, nor to grant the student a Certificate of Completion.

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